Step 1. Fill the gaps in the internal plaster corner

Mix some plaster base coat in a bucket until it has the consistency of toothpaste. Then use your scraper to fill the corner gap between the plaster walls. Make sure you scrape off any excess. Once the base coat is dry, use the scraper blade to take off any small ridges on the base coat.

Step 2. Reinforce the internal plaster corner with paper tape

Cut a piece of paper tape to the height of your wall. There will be a crease running down the centre of the tape. Use this to fold the tape in half. Now apply a thin coat of plaster base coat to both sides of the internal corner and press the tape over the top. Once the tape is in place, use your scraper to flatten it onto the wall, squeezing out any excess base coat. Then leave the plaster to dry.

Step 3. Apply a top coat to the internal plaster corner

Use your paint scraper to apply a top coat of plaster on both corner faces. Then run an internal corner plaster tool over the top coat to give it a smooth finish. Now leave the top coat to dry, give it a light hand sand and then it will be ready to paint.

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